All about ECOA

Many are unaware of the term ECOA which stands for Email change of address. That is the reason they never bother to inform about their change of address. There are another set of people for example those who are in this industry who are very much aware of the term, its use and its purpose, yet they never take this seriously.

Have you ever checked on how many readers have ever submitted an email change of address form? How many readers even know where to go to submit an email change of address form?
We are not saying that you go to every retailer and other offline stores and inform them about their change of address. We are concerned about using one of the companies that offer email change of address as a service. Where do they get their names and email addresses? I sure don’t know.
How many readers have actually purchased an email change of address service for one of your mailing lists? Do you know where the addresses came from?

Not many people buy this email change of address services, but have zero clue how to sign up for them. You can certainly, you can go to Fresh Address or Experian and get ECOA services. But are you sure that all your target audience are included in their ECOA services.
European Lists has its customers on the ECOA list.


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